Call for art closes April 23, 2024
Photographs, visual art, poems, short stories and essays
Submit your art and stories of (re)clamation as a practice of mental wealth.
(Re) C L A M A T I O N
noun. the process of claiming something back or of reasserting a right.
Artists Must-Identify as Black girls / women / non-binary youth
Be between the ages 14-24
Be invited by, in association with or have participated in a program through The Smart Project.
Selected work will be displayed The Semans Gallery at the Durham Arts Council from May 13th to July 6th 2024.
The Smart Project invites Black girls & nonbinary youth age 14-24 to submit work: photographs, visual art, poems, short stories and essays that answer the prompt of (re)claiming your identity from racial or ethnic wounds as a practice of radical healing.
Submit your art and show yourself and the world what you look like whole, well, and enough.
Artists may have the opportunity to sell their work through the exhibition.
There will be an accompanied digital publication that will showcase the submitted work.
A collaboration with The Beautiful Project.